AdvantageCARE by Ken Garff Automotive

AdvantageCare $129.95 Save Up to 45% 3 Oil Changes Tire Rotations Car Washes. Synthetic: $179.95 Genesis $229.95

Offer good through 2024. Pricing and participation may vary.

Frequently Asked Questions About AdvantageCare.

Q: What is AdvantageCARE?

A: AdvantageCare is Ken Garff’s prepaid maintenance plan that allows you to save money on oil changes, tire rotations, and car washes by prepaying.

Q: How can I save money on oil changes?

A: With AdvantageCare you get an oil change, a car wash, and a tire rotation for only $43.32/each. That kind of value is hard to beat, and with Ken Garff Hyundai’s commitment to quality there isn’t a better place to get your maintenance done.

Q: Where can I get an oil change near me?

A: If you’re located anywhere near downtown Salt Lake City, Ken Garff Hyundai is the perfect place to get an oil change. Another great perk of AdvantageCare is that it can be used at any Ken Garff dealership. (Excluding specialty vehicles)

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